If you know anyone who attended Penn State University, you know you know; they love the school fiercely. So we were super excited to shoot an emotional tribute to the entire state of Pennsylvania on behalf of PSU. We got it shot, right before the world shut down. And we ended up using that footage to make something else — a different kind of tribute, to strength to endure a new reality. And a promise that we’d get through it together. We asked a student to sing an a cappella version of the school’s alma mater to help give the ol’ eye faucets an extra ping.
We Are Here :30
DIRECTOR: Tucker Bliss, 1st Ave Machine
EDITOR: Eric Argiro, Cut+Run
COLOR:: Sofie Borup, Co3
MIX/SOUND DESIGN:: Geoff Strasser, Mr Bronx
VOCALS: Melody Munitz
AGENCY: Decoded
CCO: David Weinstock
GCDs: Andy Currie, Victor Sie
ACD/Art: Joyce Kuan
ACD/Copy: Annemarie Cullen
POST PRODUCER: Linzy Anderson
The pandemic deeply affected high schoolers, leaving them feeling isolated and de-prioritizing college. Penn State University asked us to help drive awareness and consideration by using community, purpose and potential as a catalyst for enrollment. Everyone we’ve ever met who’s been to PSU won’t stop talking about how much they loved it and how much it affected their lives, so it was a great assignment. We used existing and found footage to create an emotional entreaty to prospective college students to find their futures there.
“For Life” :30
EDITOR: Ethan Jacob
ASST EDITOR: Michael Barringer
COLOR: James Tillet
AGENCY: Decoded
CCO: David Weinstock
PRODUCER: Brent Bettes
GCD: Victor Sie
ACD/COPY: Annemarie Cullen
SR AD: Thomas Bloch
AUDIO: Kelly Oostman, Sonic Union
VO: Sawyer Greenberg
MUSIC: Marmoset